No Gym? No Problem! How to Work Biceps Without Weights

Why Train Biceps Without Weights?


Most people think of dumbbells and barbells when they think of growing biceps. But you can strengthen your arms without going to the gym. You can target your biceps with specific movements and your body weight. This article will teach you how to work a biceps workout without weights.

Understanding Biceps: Structure and Benefits

Your upper arms contain the biceps brachii, also referred to as the biceps, which are essential for arm movement. There are two heads on this muscle:

Long Head: Provides the bicep with its most prominent form.

Short Head: Gives the arm more thickness.

Pulling, lifting, and supporting the arms are all tasks that use the biceps. Strengthening them improves the appearance and functionality of your upper body.


Increases the endurance and strength of the arms.

Improves stability and grip at the shoulder width.

Supports pulling motions needed for ordinary chores.

The Top Bodyweight Exercises for Biceps

These workouts will help you develop muscle and properly contract your biceps without the need for any special equipment.

  • Biceps Push-Ups
  • Bear Crawls
  • Chin-Ups
  • Plank
  • Side Plank
  • Inverted Rows

Biceps Push-Ups


The emphasis is shifted to the biceps with this modification of the typical push-up stance.


  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart and point your fingers outward to begin in the plank posture.
  • Keep your elbows tucked tight to your torso as you bend them to lower your body.
  • Squeeze your biceps as you stretch your arms and push back up.
  • Do this ten to fifteen times.

Bear Crawls


A vigorous workout that works your core and upper arms.


  • Start by placing your hands and feet on the floor in a plank posture.
  • Move your left foot and right hand simultaneously to crawl forward, then switch.
  • To work your biceps, keep your arms slightly bent.
  • Do this for 30 to 60 seconds.



Using your pull-up bar or any other stable horizontal surface, this is a classic move.


  • With your hands facing you, take an underhand hold at shoulder width on the bar.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the peak as you raise yourself till your chin is above the bar.
  • Return to the beginning position by lowering yourself gradually.
  • Do 8–12 repetitions.



The main purpose of the plank position is to strengthen your core, but with a little tweaking, it may also strengthen your biceps.


  • Maintain your elbows beneath your shoulders as you assume a forearm plank position.
  • To work your biceps, push through your hands.
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

Side Plank


A version that strengthens the arms and upper body.


  • With your feet stacked and one forearm on the floor, lie on your side.
  • Raise your hips in a straight line off the floor.
  • Hold and extend your top arm, focusing on contracting your biceps.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

Inverted Rows


This exercise works your upper arms and resembles a pull-up.


  • For support, use a strong table or low bar.
  • With your palms facing away, take an overhand grasp on the bar while lying below.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the peak as you draw your chest nearer the bar.
  • Return to the starting position by lowering.
  • Do 8–12 repetitions.

Key Tips for Maximizing Results

Some points that can maximize the result of a biceps workout:

  • Pay attention to form: To avoid injury, be sure that every exercise is performed correctly.
  • To increase the intensity, use resistance bands.
  • Exercises like the side plank and plank position need you to use your core.
  • To add more variation, use movements like towel curls.
  • Increase the number of reps or duration to make progress gradually.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
Here are some common mistakes that should be avoided:

  • Ignoring warm-ups: Always use dynamic stretches to get your muscles ready.
  • Joint overextension: When extending your arms, try not to lock your elbows.
  • Hurrying through exercises: Focus on squeezing your biceps during calm, controlled repetitions.
  • Ignoring rest: To maximize muscle growth, give yourself time to recover.


Q1: Is it possible to develop noticeable biceps without using weights?

A: Indeed! You can efficiently increase your strength and muscle mass by concentrating on bodyweight biceps exercises.

Q2: How frequently ought I to perform these exercises?

A: Do these two to three times a week, with recovery days in between.

Q3: Can novices perform these exercises?

A: Of course! Adapt the intensity to your level of fitness.

Q4: If I don’t have a pull-up bar, what can I do? 

A: Resistance bands, a towel, or a strong table can all be excellent substitutes.

Q5: How can I stay off of a plateau?

A: To push your muscles, add variations such as towel curls or increase the number of repetitions.


A simple and efficient method to increase upper body strength and muscle mass is to train your biceps without the use of weights. You may get great results with just your body weight by doing exercises like side planks, bear crawls, and biceps push-ups. To get the most out of your routine, you must be consistent, use good form, and add diversity. These bodyweight biceps exercises are a flexible way to strengthen your arms at any time or place, regardless of your level of experience. To achieve your fitness objectives, keep your patience and concentrate on making small, steady progress.